I Learn Matters Foundation was established in September 2015, was formerly known as Focus on Literacy Development Foundation (FLDF). FLDF was started in September 2010 as a not for profit organization under the Alberta Societies Act.
Currently, there are six Directors on the Foundation.
In 2010, the Board chairperson personally visited Tajikistan to research the findings on the state of Early Childhood Development Centres for children from 2 1/2 - 6 years of age. The results were astounding. Only 9% of the children 3-6 years of age had access to education in the remote villages of Tajikistan. Although there were Community-based ECD’s, they faced problems of sustainability due to lack of Government funding, resulting in a lack of educational and teaching materials which in turn affected teacher retention.
The second major concern was lack of access to potable water in the villages resulting in the lack of clean and safe drinking water in the schools.
Thus the Organization was founded with the purpose of:
- helping to establish ECD’s in villages in Tajikistan;
- setting up sustainable systems that allow for the community’s well-being
- access to clean water and sanitation.
In August of 2011, the organization committed to establishing the first Purpose built ECD Centre in Khidorjev village in Rashtqala District in Gorno Badakshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO). GBAO is a province of Tajikistan. We are pleased to announce that this school opened its doors on November 13, 2012 and has been operational since then. 120 families in the village have been impacted through their children having access to learning opportunities in Khidorjev.